
Hello World!

2 Comments 10 July 2011

Food obsessed momma.  Two wee ones.  It’s never too early to encourage a palate.

This is my story.  It’s my outlet in a world completely governed by two painfully CUTE toddlers. The idea for this site was born out of an internal need that I felt driven to pursue.  It’s the journey of a food professional/food enthusiast who is profoundly inspired by motherhood.  I suppose it’s a way to mesh my passion for food with my passion for my babies.

This endeavor is my version of a scrapbook and recipe archive for my beloved children.  At our house, we cook a heck of a lot, making old favorites, experimenting and testing new recipes.  Little Epicure, in a sense, keeps me accountable through documenting at least some of the goodness that comes from our kitchen.  Through my anecdotes, recipes, and reflections, my wish is that my daughter and son will get a sense of the woman that I really am.  Particularly who I am while they were young.  Does that make any sense?  At the very least, I want them to have a very personal family cookbook that is filled with my voice, emotion, humor and love.

My hope is that by sharing my knowledge, keen interest, and most importantly, my enthusiasm for all-things-food, they will come to have their own appreciation for wholesome, local, nutritious, interesting, and decidedly delicious fare.  Alternatively, perhaps I can inspired you to try a new recipe, learn a tidbit, or just get a good laugh at the foibles of my mission to raise little epicures.

The idea for this site has been nagging at me since my first pregnancy.  With my subsequent pregnancy only couple months later (GULP), I was in utter shock for months.  Yep, The Divine One up above has a funny sense of humor.  My Irish twins (endearing term for two babies born less than one year apart) took every ounce of my being.  Not until my youngest turned one, did I feel like I could devote any time to refining my ideas.  Almost another year later (sigh), and finally, my vision for Little Epicure has a web presence.  Yippee!

Sometimes I want to kick myself for waiting this long to start “my project”.  As many of you know, little ones are all consuming.  “Me time” just didn’t exist for a very long time; a direct function of having babies so close together.  Regardless, Little Epicure is my thing.  Us moms all need something of our own.  It keeps us sane.  Truly.  Even heard that on Oprah once.  This is a beautiful little pocket of cyberspace.  All.  My.  Own.

I’m humbled that you’re here and invite you to share in this experience.  This is my labor of love for my lovesHere’s to delicious adventures while raising my little epicures.

For more of the the story behind this site, and my vision, please see “The Story Behind Little Epicure” or click on the ‘About’ tab.

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Your Comments

2 Comments so far

  1. Nancy, this website is amazing!! You are an incredible mother from the sounds of it and your little “twins” are lucky babies. :)

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